Customer Reviews

Well worth the Price
by C.Noble on 8/1/2020
I recently purchased 3 of these for Me and My Kids, We had previously bought a silicone style of that online (A in the first letter place), that mask smashed our noises and always leaked. Now this IST M2R Aquila, from Online Scuba, arrived quickly and even upon removing it from the packaging felt and looked great, it reminded my of the masks that a family friend who was a Navy Diver use to lone me when I was a kid. The mask feels great and fits my 13 yr old's face as well as mine, I am 52 yrs old now. we did use the old lighter trick to remove any residue from the inside of the lens, which was easy and with the low heat the rubber was not even phased. To rap this up, before you buy any thing else if you are on a budget or just starting out, this mask will not upset, it is a great price point for what you get. On that note actually compared to the other silicone masks we bought it is a Fantastic, Mask for the price, a great value. Stay safe and may safe dives to anyone who is reading.

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